MY LATEST REVELATION OF HELL-EXTREMELY SHOCKING!!! By Zipporah Mushala-19th February 2018 (Ahab and Jezebel, other Israelite Kings, Pharaoh’s army, Little children, those who don’t evangelize and others in hell) Today, I woke up for midnight prayer with my sister Rachael. As we prayed, the presence of the Lord was so strong in the room that…
~Zipporah ~ Yesterday,the Lord Jesus Christ showed me the activity that is going on in the spiritual realm.Everything seems so calm and normal in the physical realm but this is not the case in the Spiritual realm. Everything I saw was happening so fast! I saw demons communicating with each other.I saw a man who…
8 Hours in Heaven By Ricardo Cid Please, church listen to what has happened to my life. In a dream, the Lord started dealing with me. I remember, in that dream, I walked out of my house. I walked on the streets in my neighborhood and I felt that someone lifted me up by my…
Snake In The Church Many Pentecostals churches and revival ministries that started very well many years ago no longer preach and practice HOLINESS. Moreover, some churches been established by the early apostles are still existing till date but it very unfortunate that worldliness has crumble most of these churches, still operating without the glory of…
The Death Of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola Of Christ Apostolic Church The death and last day of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola of The Christ Apostolic Church was a unique and most glorious to behold in the life of every genuine Christians. He fought the good fight, kept the faith and the final drop his warfare…
Divine Revelation Of Heaven And Hell By Evangelist Margret Osasumwen Amure. My name is Evangelist Margaret Amure; I am a native of Benin City, Nigeria. I was born in May 1957 and am married to Pastor Olusola Amure. In December 2011, I went on a pilgrimage to Israel and was able to experience what…
During prayer this morning,the Lord opened my eyes and I saw in the Spirit,a vision. I saw a man standing and an evil Spirit which emerged from a rubbish dump came and possessed him. It was like a transparent black fog but it had the figure of a creature and I was wondering why it…
What To Do While Preaching Or Evangelizing The Gospel To Others Toward the end of last year while preaching and evangelizing the gospel on streets, public bus and church, the spirit of God minister unto me and echo; “son before you minister any salvation or spiritual edifying or warning message to anybody make sure you…