Spiritual Implications of Piercings
Spiritual Implications of Piercings Tongue Piercing The piercing of the tongue means that the tongue is dedicated to the kingdom…
Face To Face With Jesus
Spiritual Implications of Piercings Tongue Piercing The piercing of the tongue means that the tongue is dedicated to the kingdom…
How To Know You Have a Spiritual Husband or Wife? Spiritual husband or wife is a spirit of Satan –…
Spirit Spouses A spirit spouse is a demonic spirit that marries a human’s spirit and this is normally done in…
Evil Covenants A Covenant is defined as an agreement between two or more people. There are covenants that are of…
Bleeding in the Dream Joel 3:21- For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed: for the Lord…
The Spirit of Lust Lust is defined in the dictionary as strong sexual desire; however, lust can manifest itself in…
Spiritual Implications of Anklets In today’s society many of our women wear chains on their ankles called anklets. Whenever women…
Restitution Of Sexual Immorality In The Church The high rates of sexual immoralities such as fornication, abortion, masturbation and adultery…
How To Deal And Overcome An Impure Thoughts All immoral sins are either from our thought, words or deed. Sinful…
9 Most Important Ways Of Overcoming Temptation Today am going to put you through on the major 9 important ways…