1. Thank You, Father, for the promise which says, ‘’I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’’
  2. I ask for forgiveness of every sin causing disunity and powerlessness in the body of Christ.
  3. I take authority over the power of darkness in all its ramifications, in Jesus’ name.
  4. I bind and cast out every spirit causing seduction, false doctrine, deception, hypocrisy, pride and error, in Jesus’ name.
  5. Every plan and strategy of  satan against the body of Christ, be bound, in Jesus’ name.
  6. Every spirit of prayerlessness, discouragement and vainglory in the body of Christ, be bound, in Jesus’ name.
  7. Father, let the spirit of brokenness be released upon us, in Jesus’ name.
  8. I command the works of the flesh in the lives of the brethren to die, in Jesus’ name.
  9. Let the power of the cross and of the Holy Spirit be released to dethrone flesh in our lives, in Jesus’ name.
  10.  Let the life of our Lord Jesus Christ be truly established in the body of Christ, in Jesus’ name.
  11.  Every power of selfishness, over –ambition and unteachableness, be broken, in Jesus’ name.
  12.  Father, grant unto the body of Christ the mind of Christ, forgiving spirit, tolerance, genuine repentance, understanding, submission, humility, brokenness, watchfulness and the mind to commend others better than ourselves, in Jesus’ name.
  13.  I challenge and pull down the forces of disobedience in the lives of the saints, in Jesus’ name.
  14.  I command these blessings on the body of Christ and ministers
  • Love       – Joy      – Peace          – Longsuffering
  • Gentleness        – Goodness     – Faith              – Meekness
  • Temperance     – Divine healing    – Divine Health     – Fruitfulness
  • Progress     – Faith     – The gifts of healing   – Prophecy
  • Discerning of spirits     – The word of wisdom   – The word of knowledge
  • The working of miracles   – Divers kinds of tongues   – The interpretation of tongues
  • Beauty and glory of God            – righteousness and holiness
  • Dedication and commitment
  1.  Father, create the thirst and hunger for God and holiness in our lives, in Jesus’ name.
  2.  O Lord, send down the fire of revival into the body of Christ.
  3.  O Lord, break and refill Your ministers and vessels afresh.
  4.  Let there be a full and fresh outpouring of the Holy Ghost upon the ministers of God, in Jesus’ name.
  5.  O Lord, give unto Your ministers the power for effective prayer life.
  6.  O Lord, release faithful, committed, dedicated and obedient labourers into the vineyard.
  7.  I break down the authority and dominion of satan over the souls of men, in Jesus’ name.
  8.  Every spirit holding the souls of men in captivity, I shatter your back-bone, in Jesus’ name.
  9.  Every covenant between the souls of men and satan, I dash you to pieces, in Jesus’ name.
  10.  Let the spirit of steadfastness, consistency, hunger and thirst for the word of God come upon the converts, in Jesus’ name.
  11.  O Lord, release upon all our missionaries and evangelists fresh fire to disgrace territorial spirits.
  12.  I break the power and the grip of the world upon the souls of men, in Jesus’ name.
  13.  I release the spirit of salvation upon areas that have not been reached by the gospel, in Jesus’ name.
  14.  O Lord, remove all the hindrances to Your purpose for Christian homes.
  15.  I command the spirit of quarrel, immorality, unfaithfulness, infirmity, disagreement, misunderstanding and intolerance to loose their grips upon Christian homes, in Jesus’ name.
  16.  Let all Christian homes be a light to the world and a vehicle of salvation, in Jesus’ name.
  17.  O God, raise up Esther, Ruth and Deborah in this generation, in Jesus’ name.
  18.  Every power destroying joy in the home, be dismantled, in Jesus’ name.
  19.  O Lord, grant us special wisdom to train our children in Your glory.
  20.  Every Christian marriage that has been re-arranged by the enemy, be corrected, in Jesus’ name.
  21.  O Lord, let the spirit of wisdom, judgement, submission, gentleness, obedience to God’s word and faithfulness in the home, come upon Christian homes.
  22.  O Lord, remove every wrong spirit from the midst of Your children and put in the right spirit.
  23.  I take authority, over the plans and activities of satan on ministers’ homes, in Jesus’ name.
  24.  O Lord, increase the power and strength of  the ministration of Your words amongst us.
  25.  Let the kingdom of Christ come into every nation by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  26.  O Lord, dismantle every man-made programme in the body of Christ and set up Your own programme.

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