Operation Mark Of The Beast 1: The World Economy And The Mark By Sister Toun Praise Olujuwon


I give glory to God for the opportunity to reach out to you again on another edition of the ‘Voice Of The Prophets.’  The topic of this edition will be in series because of the kind of message the Lord will have me pass to Body of Christ.  It is titled, OPERATION OF THE MARK OF THE BEAST.  This had just been re-edited and will be limited to just four series only for the purpose of upgrading the message to the latest information on technology which so much attached to this topic, formally it was up to part five but now we have omitted part 3 which was placed then for the sake of proof. The purpose of this message is to bring awareness of the operation of the anti-Christ, its name and number {666}, i.e. when and how it would operate and how you as a person can avoid receiving the mark. 1Peter (5:8) says, “be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh  about, seeking whom he may devour.” Though i am aware of the fact that many of our church doctrines are still attached to the teaching that antichrist would be in operation ONLY AFTER RAPTURE which is different from what was written on the pages of the scriptures. The basic reason you are getting this message is for you to know what the bible refers to has THE DECEPTION; Rev. 13 v 14 -16. And he DECEIVE them to receive a mark…  There is a great need for us to know some of the wiles that Satan will employ in these last days, so that we can escape his devices.
May God bless You.
Sis. Toun Praise
The Ten Virgins Ministries

I was in the presence of the Lord one day, when He told me that I am to pass across this message on the ANTICHRIST to the church. The Lord told me that the operation of the antichrist will manifest before the coming of Christ contrary to the belief of the many that it will be only after the coming of Christ.  This was difficult for me to accept at first because like many.  I thought that the mark of the beast will come into operation after the rapture of the Saints.
The Lord called my attention to the fact that the Bible does not state it categorically that the mark of the beast will come into operation after the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. And He gave me 2 Thess. 2 v 1-5 as confirmation that says the gathering of the Saints would not be except rebellion occur and the manifestation of the beast. He then informed me that the teaching about the mark coming into operation after His coming is the deception of the devil which is done purposely to trap many innocent Christians. .
The Lord told me that rapture would not have taken place when the mark of the beast would be introduced.  However, the introduction of the mark before the coming of Christ will be in disguise (DECEPTION) while the one after His coming will be forceful.  This  means that Christians must give a good fight to resist receiving the mark on themselves.  The Lord charged me to blow out the trumpet.
The plan of the reign of the antichrist has been solidified.  The Lord said it has been scheduled into a time of short space because of the shortage of time on the side of the devil. The Lord said that it has been planned by the kingdom of darkness to introduce the mark before the coming of Christ for two major reasons:
⦁  To gain more souls of men into hell before they have the opportunity of rapture;
⦁  To fully, and easily establish its reign soon after rapture, as the global government.
The Lord said that this plan is gradually unfolding now and about to be unleash fully.  I became agitated in my spirit and when the Lord saw my agitation.  He said to me, “Child, I will help your unbelief.” And the Lord told me that He would give me revelations and visions of how the mark of the beast would operate. The Lord made mention of different instruments that are to be employed.  They include high technology, false prophets and their churches.  I will share some of them here while other batches of revelations will come in the subsequent editions.  But we must first understand that the scriptures say is the last days, are here.
The scriptures warn that people are to be careful not to take the mark.  The implication of this warning is that Christians would be among the people that will take the mark of the beast if they are careless.  But they can avoid taking the mark if they take heed.
Revelations (14:9-12) says:
And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, if any man worship the beast and his image, and receive  his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the shall drink of the win of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.  Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus (KJV).
Note that verse twelve of that scripture says,”this calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.” Verses 9 and 10 talk about those who worship and receive the mark of the antichrist and that they would be tormented day and night while verse twelve establishes how Christians that falls to the time can escape the mark.
Here is a recent revelation the Lord gave me:
The Lord appeared to me in a dream and showed me how the mark will be introduced. What was shown to me was a high-tech instrument or device that would be fixed into the blood veins of the hand or the head.  What I saw looked like a machinery instrument, a device, which when fixed cannot disturb the actions and functioning of the hand but it was to be connected into the blood veins of the user.  It had a signet which carries the name that would indicate a global government. The signet was in a circular form, which appeared a little bigger than a coin and would be at the outer part of the skin to make it visible to all for recognition.  But  on the inside, it had the a coded number 666 which would be unknown to the user.  It is this section that would be fixed to blood veins.
According to what the Lord showed me, this instrument or device would be so fascinating and infallible that it would be globally accepted without any suspicion just like the GSM was globally accepted.  The excuse for the introduction of his new device will be ‘for security purposes’ i.e. to protect human life from any form of destruction, be it physical or spiritual.  The device will also enable easy global migration without any need of consulting with embassies for visa applications.  After the Lord had shown me this, He proceeded to tell me how it will be introduced.
One thing the Lord emphasized very much was the infallibility of this device as people will not easily detect the ploy of Satan.  He said the idea has already been introduced into the western nations and that some things have been used to prepare the way and generate global acceptance of this antichrist instrument or device.
I asked the Lord for those things and He gave me the name of three things that have been used to test-run and promote its acceptability by people.  According to the Lord, those three things are not harmful in themselves but were used to test-run, attract and assess the acceptability of men.  Here  is the  list of the three things I received: GSM i.e. mobile phone, the computer and orthodox herbal medicine.  From what was shown to me, the antichrist’s instrument or  device will be introduced in the exact way these three things were introduced and will gain global acceptance the same way.
In fact, what I saw was so fascinating that it will be a status symbol and anyone who does not possess it will look inferior and look like an under-achiever.  As such, a lot of people, Christians inclusive, will strive to partake of the device, until everyone gets connected to the device.
Sadly, part of what was revealed also showed that some genuine servants of God, as a result of ignorance on their side, will be used to promote the acceptance of the device of the antichrist among their spheres of influence.  To be continued.
Please, keep a date with us, as this message will continue in the next edition.  I will share with you how the kingdom of darkness has prepared to use false prophets and their churches, in the bid for fame and riches, to recruit men for the mark under the pretense of helping them find solutions to their problems.  Of course for obvious reasons, I will not mention names of people or their churches but I will describe vividly, how you will know them.





AUTHOR: Sis. Toun Praise Olujuwon
          PRODUCER:        The Ten Virgin Ministries.
         EMAIL;   Tenvirginministries@gmail.com
          FACEBOOK: Ten virginministries; Toun Praise; Rapture Alert
          WHATSAPP: 08057069221
           BLOG: www.Tenvirginsministries.blogspot.com

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