The Best Way To Propose To A Lady For Marriage
lady whom they have fallen in love while in relationship probably due
to fear of rejection or annulling of their proposal. Tendering a
marriage proposal to a young lady or a woman might seem like a civil war
to some brothers because they lack the confident. I mean, you don’t
need to entertain any fear for possible decline of your proposal.
Marriage is a very deep course which required godly approach, whatsoever
transpire prior to your wedding either negative or positives you must
embrace it because a broken relationship is better than a wrong
Nevertheless, this post will help to guide and teaches you about the
best secret way to propose to a lady for marriage. Honestly if you play
your card very well she dare not turns down your marriage proposal
because she will be caught off guide.
This reminds me of a brother in the church who often walks home together
with a damsel who also fellowship together with him in same church.
However one of the days the brother perceived a ministration to propose
to the young lady for marriage but he often felt shame or shy, I don’t
even know what to call it.
whom he always gist and chats together while walking home from church.
Nevertheless, one of the days he was determined to either confront his
fear or die trying. While walking home together as usual after church
fellowship he stood before the lady and told her that he wanted to
discussed an important issue that has been bordering his mind.
Immediately he made this utterance he ran off. Instantly the same
sister also ran after him. Though it sound funny but its realty and
eventually both of them are happily married today.
where God invested his last penny on creativity. They can laugh and cry
at same time. Though they love money more than anything but an attempt
to stole away their heart simply means you have overcome but that stolen
heart doesn’t remain steady (it’s a fact).
My brother, please don’t hearken to her because she didn’t meant it.
What she only need is an upgrade of affection and cuddling.
Moreover, the easiest way to stole away the heart of any woman is just a
touch. You don’t need big grammar to Propose to a woman for marriage.
interactive, and jovial and always make her laugh, laugh, laugh and
laugh until the day you decides to take the Bull by the horn, then you
strike. Honestly she can’t resist your marriage proposal.
How To Propose To A Woman For Marriage
nearly miss my track while crossing the high-way. I was much worried in
thoughts. Perhaps, today might be my last day because have been sick
all this while, but didn’t know how to confide in you.
serious. What is wrong with you? Yesterday you sound healthy on phone
and why sudden change?
going through all this while. I didn’t want to make you felt sorrowful
due to my sickness that is why having been trying to cover-up (Breathing
heavily) Moreover, the doctor said, there is no remedy because its
heart related illness and no medical experts can cure it. Sister Mary i
am so down and weaken. I was lying hopeless on the bed waiting for my
departure when i perceived the thought to share this with you, in case
you didn’t hear from me again.
Jesus name. Haa, you will not die but shall live in Jesus name. Oh my
God, what about the Pastor, have you told him about your health?
can’t heal it because it’s divinely from him. He is the person that
projected this sickness into mine heart.
whenever i inquired of possible cure, he will always reveal a particular
face to me. He said, that is the only person who can cure or ever heal
has confirmed that she is the only person who has remedy to heal my Sick
heart? Have been Sick all this while but don’t know how to relate to
you. Please am dying, don’t abandon me in this way!
- Long Suffering: I promised to always forgive and suffered with you, both in sickness, pains and shall never forsake you until death.
- Overlook: I promise to always overlook your errors, mistakes and tolerate everything about you until death.
- Volunteer: I promise to always volunteer to cherished and make you a priority in my life and to die in your place.
- Encouragement: I promise to always be a source of an encouragement to you as i always do until death.
pressing your heart) Glory be to God, i think healing is taking place.
This is wonderful. Ooh, Sis Mary thank you so much for healing me.
The Broken Heart And The Creativity Nature Of Woman.
Nevertheless, you can easily break that same heart and also restored it
in next 5 minutes because it has loophole and also childish in nature.
are like children and must always be treated as one. Please don’t assume
she understand your character or expect her to reason positively as
Adam assumed, because she doesn’t and you must always teach her
continuously. Hence whenever she offends (refuse to acknowledged) and
tends to abused your affection.
and if possible, (when the conflict become intense and her mouth widen
like shark) abandoned the house (don’t pick her call but make sure you
drop enough money) for her for couples of days and i promised you, she
will prefer beaten than been left alone for 1-2 days because they love
peace with her by upgrading your affection because she is a child and
you are expected to play your rule as a sensible adult or husband,
instead of awaiting for her apology. When you rebuked or scold a child
with right hand, don’t expect such child to tender an apology; you are
expected to draw her by your left hand because marriages must